Complaints Policy

Complaints Policy

Πολιτική Παραπόνων

    1. This is a summary of the complaints process for Euronet Merchant Services Payment Institution Single Member SA (the “Firm”, “we”, “us”).
    2. We aim to achieve the highest possible standards in the service we provide. If you have reason to complain about the Firm or services we provide, including security or privacy incidents, we encourage you to contact us in the first instance.
      We encourage you to submit the complaint in writing either at the email address: or at the contact form for complaint submission:, or at the postal address: Euronet Merchant Services Payment Institution Single Member SA Sachtouri 1 & Leoforos Posidonos, 176 74 Kallithea, Greece Should you need any kind of guidance in relation to the written submission of a complaint, you may receive guidance on the process at: 0030 210 38 98 954 954 (24/7). Call charges: basic rate.
    3. Once we receive your complaint, we will write and confirm receipt, provide you with details on our complaints handling procedures and confirm the role of the member of the staff investigating your complaint. During the investigation we will let you know if there is likely to be any delay in resolving your complaint or if we require any more information from you.
    4. We shall make every effort to respond, in writing or, if agreed between you and us, to another durable means, to your complaint within a reasonable time and no later than fifteen (15) business days of receiving the complaint. In exceptional cases, if the response cannot be given within fifteen (15) business days, for reasons beyond the Firm’s control, we shall send a holding response, clearly stating the reasons for the delay in responding to the complaint and specifying the deadline within which you will receive the final response, in any case no later than thirty five (35) Business Days of receiving the complaint.
    5. If we have been unable to reach agreement on an acceptable solution, then you may be able to refer the matter, depending on its nature either:
    6. to the General Secretariat for Trade and Consumer Protection of the Ministry of Economy and Development at the following address:
      General Secretariat for Trade and Consumer Protection of the Ministry of Economy and Development
      Kaningos Square, 101 81 Athens
      Hotline: 1520
    7. or to the Bank of Greece at the following address:
      Bank of Greece.
      21 El. Venizelos Str., GR 102 50 Athens
      Telephone: +30 210 320 1111
      Email address:

    1. Save for security related complaints, taking into consideration the scope of the services provided by the Firm (article 4, par. 3, case e of law 4537/2018) and the scope of its license issued by the Bank of Greece under the number 414/18.02.2022 (Government Gazette FEK 747/18.02.2022), the Firm is expected to receive complaints related to the services provided from payment service users in their capacity as payees and/or third parties related to the payees (i.e. trade associations). Notwithstanding the above, the Firm cannot restrict a payer’s, consumer’s, or any other person’s or entity’s right to submit a complaint should they be presumed eligible to have a complaint considered by the Firm. The Firm acknowledges that upon receipt of any complaint, regardless of its sender, such complaint will be treated with utmost care and in the best interest of a fair and efficient resolution of any issue brought to its attention. If you are a consumer, you are always able to refer the matter to:






    Independent Authority

    Consumers’ Ombudsman. (Συνήγορος του Καταναλωτή)


    144 Alexandras Av.

    114 71, Athens


    online submission of complaint at:

    +30 210 6460862

    +30 210 6460814

    Please note, that complaints referred to the Hellenic Consumers Ombudsman must be submitted to it within one (1) year of you becoming aware of the act or omission that gave rise to the complaint.


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