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Ιnvoice - Statement
POS - ERP Intergration
POS - Cash Register Intergration
Yes, to process transactions with the epay SoftPOS application, you will need an Internet connection via Wi-Fi or mobile data coverage (minimum speed 3G).
To check the compatibility of your mobile phone, follow these steps:
- On your Android device, open Settings.
- Select Connected devices.
- Tap Connection preferences.
- You should see the NFC options.
- If the option is there, our phone has the NFC feature.
- You can also check the specifications of your device model.
Upon completing the application for SoftPOS, you will receive a Welcome Letter via email. The username for the service will be the email address you provided, corresponding to the relevant MID. You will set the password yourself (as the merchant) after receiving the welcome email “Welcome to epay” to activate the service.
After each successful transaction processing, you will have the option to send the corresponding receipt via email or SMS, or to generate a QR code that your customer can scan with their mobile phone.
Mobile payments: You can make contactless transactions via NFC and digital wallets.
Payment cancellation: You can cancel a payment.
Tipping: You can add a tip.
The NFC is located on the back of your device. The chip of the card should be placed close to it in order to achieve NFC contact – contactless card.
For any issues that may arise while using the SoftPOS application, please call the Business Customer Service Center at 210 38 98 954.
Ensure that your device has NFC. If it does, you need to enable the NFC function as follows:
• Go to Settings > More.
• Tap the NFC switch to turn it on. The Android Beam function will be activated automatically.
• If the Android Beam function does not activate automatically, simply tap it and select “Yes” to turn it on. The NFC capabilities of smartphones work in conjunction with the Android Beam function. If Android Beam is turned off, it may limit the NFC sharing capability.
Η διασύνδεση του softPOS με την ταμειακή σας μηχανή ή το λογισμικό ERP βάσει των αποφάσεων Α.1098/2022 και Α.1155/2023 αντιστοίχως είναι εφικτή ακολουθώντας τις οδηγίες για το softPOS που έχουν αναρτηθεί στο site της ΑΑΔΕ και στο Χρήσιμα Αρχεία | Epay (epayworldwide.gr).
Ιnvoice - Statement
The new form provides a detailed report of the transactions conducted from your terminal and gives you the ability to view debits and credits in an invoice with a summary of the amounts, simplifying your accounting reconciliation with the AADE platform:
You can export the documents you need through the WINBANK application of Piraeus Bank by following these steps:
Other products > Card Transactions via epay POS > (You will be transferred to the epay environment)
Continue > Transaction Acceptance Statement
In any case, you can contact the Contracted Business Support department (210 38 98 954), which is responsible for providing you with information, support, and guidance where needed.
For your part, you will not need to take any action other than to confirm to the AADE with your acceptance that the information displayed is correct. If you do not agree with the data displayed, you should not accept them and contact the AADE through the Taxpayer Service Centre (KEF) at 213 16 21 000 or by sending a query from your personal myAADE account (with TAXISnet codes) by clicking here and selecting the category “Register – Interconnection of Payment Instruments (EFT/POS)”. Alternatively, please call the epay call centre 210 38 38 954.
You won’t need to take any action other than confirming with AADE that the displayed information is correct. If you disagree with the displayed information, do not approve it, and contact AADE through the Taxpayer Service Center (KEF) at 213 16 21 000 or by submitting a query through your personal myAADE account (using your TAXISnet credentials) by clicking here and selecting the category “Registry – Payment Methods Integration (EFT/POS).” Alternatively, please call the epay support center at 210 38 98 954.
To confirm the TID on the SoftPOS, select the Settings icon in the application on your mobile phone. For eCommerce solutions, you can verify the TID through the admin tool. Additionally, for ALL types of epay terminals, you can find the TID on the invoice or within the Winbank environment through your personal or corporate profile, depending on your business’s legal structure.
The AADE platform is periodically updated with the latest terminal data from epay. Epay sends files with the details of your terminal to AADE daily. However, there may be a delay in synchronization and page updates. Therefore, it is recommended to recheck after 20 days. If you disagree with the terminal information displayed, you can choose not to accept it and notify AADE.
To connect the SoftPOS to your cash register, you need to download the epay softPOS Connector application on your mobile phone from the Google Play Store.
We inform you that the epay softPOS Connector application from epay is available for download on your mobile phone.
For the connection, the technician can follow the instructions provided at the following link: https://www.epayworldwide.gr/en/resources/
Coordinate with the supplier of the Cash Register Device-FDM (1098) or the ERP software provider (1155) you use and arrange for them to visit you for the integration. The responsibility for technical setup lies with the (certified) technician of the Cash Register/ERP.
In my business, I have a terminal from another provider that does not appear on the AADE platform.
Your POS terminal supports a TID code from epay, which epay has already updated on the AADE platform. However, your POS terminal also supports another TID code registered by Cardlink or EDPS. For this reason, you should contact Cardlink at 210 63 03 000 or EDPS at 210 89 93 66.
If you have received a message from AADE regarding the integration of ERP with POS, you should contact your ERP technical support and arrange for them to visit you for the integration. The responsibility for technical setup lies with the (certified) ERP technician. Dates and integration methods have been communicated by AADE.
epay sends files with the details regarding your terminal to AADE on a daily basis. However, there may be a delay in synchronization and updating the page. For this reason, it is recommended to re-check after 20 days. If you do not agree with the terminal information as displayed, you may choose not to accept it and inform AADE accordingly.
The TID codes that support e-commerce POS solutions appear on the AADE platform, but no action is currently required from your side for an upgrade or connection.
If you have returned the POS terminal and the terminal code (TID) still appears as active on the AADE platform, it is likely due to a delay in updating the platform. For better service, if you have returned the device, please call the epay call center at 210 38 98 954 to report it so that the relevant investigation and resolution can be carried out. If you have not returned your terminal, please contact your Piraeus Bank partner branch as soon as possible.
The AADE platform is periodically updated with the latest terminal data from epay. epay sends files with your terminal’s details to AADE daily. However, there may be a delay in synchronization and page updates. Therefore, it is recommended to recheck after 20 days. If you disagree with the terminal information displayed, you can choose not to accept it and notify AADE.
Some of your terminal codes might be deactivated. Please call the epay support center at 210 38 98 954.
POS - ERP Intergration
Αν διαθέτετε ERP και είστε συνδεδεμένος στο myData μέσω παρόχου ηλεκτρονικής τιμολόγησης, τότε βάσει των αποφάσεων Α.1155/2023 και Α.1035/2024, υποχρεούστε σε διασύνδεση ERP/POS σύμφωνα με τα παρακάτω:
• Μέχρι 31/10/2024 εφόσον έχετε διασύνδεση του ERP με το epay POS μέσω DLL ή Cloud ECR
• Μέχρι 30/9/2024 εφόσον δεν έχετε διασυνδεδεμένο το ERP με το epay POS
Αν διαθέτετε ERP και είστε συνδεδεμένος στο myData μέσω φορολογικού μηχανισμού ΑΔΗΜΕ ή ΕΑΦΔΣΣ, τότε βάσει των αποφάσεων Α.1155/2023 και Α.1074/2024 παρέχεται η επιλογή διασύνδεσης ERP/POS ή ΑΔΗΜΕ-ΦΗΜΑΣ/POS σύμφωνα με τα παρακάτω:
• Μέχρι 31/10/2024 εφόσον έχετε διασύνδεση του ERP με το epay POS μέσω DLL ή Cloud ECR
• Μέχρι 30/9/2024 εφόσον δεν έχετε διασυνδεδεμένο το ERP με το epay POS
Για την ισχύ της παράτασης μέχρι 31/10/2024, η epay έχει δηλώσει τα source TIDs των τερματικών σας με σήμανση ‘2’ ως «διασυνδεδεμένη λειτουργία εκτός Α.1098/2022 & Α.1155/2023» αντί για ‘0’ ως «μη αναβαθμισμένα» που φαίνονταν μέχρι τώρα στο μητρώο της ΑΑΔΕ. Αυτό μπορείτε να το επιβεβαιώσετε ως επιχείρηση μετά από τον σχετικό έλεγχο στο profile σας στο myAADE.
Η συμμόρφωση με την Α.1155/2023 από πλευράς ERP προϋποθέτει τη συμπληρωματική διασύνδεση του ERP σας, με τον πάροχο ηλεκτρονικής τιμολόγησης ή τον φορολογικό μηχανισμό σας για τη λήψη του provider’s signature ή token αντίστοιχα
Για την περίπτωση πληρωμής με κάρτα κατά την παράδοση (κι όχι στο ταμείο) απαιτείται υλοποίηση από πλευράς ERP για τις προ-φορτωμένες συναλλαγές.
Μόλις ολοκληρωθεί η αναβάθμιση των τερματικών σας στην παραγωγή με το νέο μας λογισμικό η σήμανση τους θα γίνει ‘1300’ ως «αναβαθμισμένα να υποστηρίζουν Α.1098/2022 & Α.1155/2023»
Για τις ημερομηνίες υποχρεωτικής αντικατάστασης ΕΑΦΔΣΣ επικοινωνήστε με το λογιστή σας ή την ΑΑΔΕ”
Για την περίπτωση πληρωμής με κάρτα κατά την παράδοση (κι όχι στο ταμείο) απαιτείται υλοποίηση από πλευράς ERP για τις προ-φορτωμένες συναλλαγές. Μόλις ολοκληρωθεί η αναβάθμιση των τερματικών σας στην παραγωγή με το νέο μας λογισμικό η σήμανση τους θα γίνει ‘1300’ ως «αναβαθμισμένα να υποστηρίζουν Α.1098/2022 & Α.1155/2023» Για τις ημερομηνίες υποχρεωτικής αντικατάστασης ΕΑΦΔΣΣ επικοινωνήστε με το λογιστή σας ή την ΑΑΔΕ”POS - Cash Register Intergration
All epay card acceptance terminals (EFT/POS) are fully compliant with the requirements of the tax administration according to decision A.1098/2022 by the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE).
- 1. Close the package on your POS terminal.
- 2. Proceed with refreshing the application version according to the instructions for each type of terminal.
- 3. Follow the detailed upgrade instructions for each type of POS, which are posted on the AADE website.

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Ιnvoice - Statement
POS - ERP Intergration
POS - Cash Register Intergration
Yes, to process transactions with the epay SoftPOS application, you will need an Internet connection via Wi-Fi or mobile data coverage (minimum speed 3G).
To check the compatibility of your mobile phone, follow these steps:
- On your Android device, open Settings.
- Select Connected devices.
- Tap Connection preferences.
- You should see the NFC options.
- If the option is there, our phone has the NFC feature.
- You can also check the specifications of your device model.
Upon completing the application for SoftPOS, you will receive a Welcome Letter via email. The username for the service will be the email address you provided, corresponding to the relevant MID. You will set the password yourself (as the merchant) after receiving the welcome email “Welcome to epay” to activate the service.
After each successful transaction processing, you will have the option to send the corresponding receipt via email or SMS, or to generate a QR code that your customer can scan with their mobile phone.
Mobile payments: You can make contactless transactions via NFC and digital wallets.
Payment cancellation: You can cancel a payment.
Tipping: You can add a tip.
The NFC is located on the back of your device. The chip of the card should be placed close to it in order to achieve NFC contact – contactless card.
For any issues that may arise while using the SoftPOS application, please call the Business Customer Service Center at 210 38 98 954.
Ensure that your device has NFC. If it does, you need to enable the NFC function as follows:
• Go to Settings > More.
• Tap the NFC switch to turn it on. The Android Beam function will be activated automatically.
• If the Android Beam function does not activate automatically, simply tap it and select “Yes” to turn it on. The NFC capabilities of smartphones work in conjunction with the Android Beam function. If Android Beam is turned off, it may limit the NFC sharing capability.
Η διασύνδεση του softPOS με την ταμειακή σας μηχανή ή το λογισμικό ERP βάσει των αποφάσεων Α.1098/2022 και Α.1155/2023 αντιστοίχως είναι εφικτή ακολουθώντας τις οδηγίες για το softPOS που έχουν αναρτηθεί στο site της ΑΑΔΕ και στο Χρήσιμα Αρχεία | Epay (epayworldwide.gr).
Ιnvoice - Statement
The new form provides a detailed report of the transactions conducted from your terminal and gives you the ability to view debits and credits in an invoice with a summary of the amounts, simplifying your accounting reconciliation with the AADE platform:
You can export the documents you need through the WINBANK application of Piraeus Bank by following these steps:
Other products > Card Transactions via epay POS > (You will be transferred to the epay environment)
Continue > Transaction Acceptance Statement
In any case, you can contact the Contracted Business Support department (210 38 98 954), which is responsible for providing you with information, support, and guidance where needed.
For your part, you will not need to take any action other than to confirm to the AADE with your acceptance that the information displayed is correct. If you do not agree with the data displayed, you should not accept them and contact the AADE through the Taxpayer Service Centre (KEF) at 213 16 21 000 or by sending a query from your personal myAADE account (with TAXISnet codes) by clicking here and selecting the category “Register – Interconnection of Payment Instruments (EFT/POS)”. Alternatively, please call the epay call centre 210 38 38 954.
You won’t need to take any action other than confirming with AADE that the displayed information is correct. If you disagree with the displayed information, do not approve it, and contact AADE through the Taxpayer Service Center (KEF) at 213 16 21 000 or by submitting a query through your personal myAADE account (using your TAXISnet credentials) by clicking here and selecting the category “Registry – Payment Methods Integration (EFT/POS).” Alternatively, please call the epay support center at 210 38 98 954.
To confirm the TID on the SoftPOS, select the Settings icon in the application on your mobile phone. For eCommerce solutions, you can verify the TID through the admin tool. Additionally, for ALL types of epay terminals, you can find the TID on the invoice or within the Winbank environment through your personal or corporate profile, depending on your business’s legal structure.
The AADE platform is periodically updated with the latest terminal data from epay. Epay sends files with the details of your terminal to AADE daily. However, there may be a delay in synchronization and page updates. Therefore, it is recommended to recheck after 20 days. If you disagree with the terminal information displayed, you can choose not to accept it and notify AADE.
To connect the SoftPOS to your cash register, you need to download the epay softPOS Connector application on your mobile phone from the Google Play Store.
We inform you that the epay softPOS Connector application from epay is available for download on your mobile phone.
For the connection, the technician can follow the instructions provided at the following link: https://www.epayworldwide.gr/en/resources/
Coordinate with the supplier of the Cash Register Device-FDM (1098) or the ERP software provider (1155) you use and arrange for them to visit you for the integration. The responsibility for technical setup lies with the (certified) technician of the Cash Register/ERP.
In my business, I have a terminal from another provider that does not appear on the AADE platform.
Your POS terminal supports a TID code from epay, which epay has already updated on the AADE platform. However, your POS terminal also supports another TID code registered by Cardlink or EDPS. For this reason, you should contact Cardlink at 210 63 03 000 or EDPS at 210 89 93 66.
If you have received a message from AADE regarding the integration of ERP with POS, you should contact your ERP technical support and arrange for them to visit you for the integration. The responsibility for technical setup lies with the (certified) ERP technician. Dates and integration methods have been communicated by AADE.
epay sends files with the details regarding your terminal to AADE on a daily basis. However, there may be a delay in synchronization and updating the page. For this reason, it is recommended to re-check after 20 days. If you do not agree with the terminal information as displayed, you may choose not to accept it and inform AADE accordingly.
The TID codes that support e-commerce POS solutions appear on the AADE platform, but no action is currently required from your side for an upgrade or connection.
If you have returned the POS terminal and the terminal code (TID) still appears as active on the AADE platform, it is likely due to a delay in updating the platform. For better service, if you have returned the device, please call the epay call center at 210 38 98 954 to report it so that the relevant investigation and resolution can be carried out. If you have not returned your terminal, please contact your Piraeus Bank partner branch as soon as possible.
The AADE platform is periodically updated with the latest terminal data from epay. epay sends files with your terminal’s details to AADE daily. However, there may be a delay in synchronization and page updates. Therefore, it is recommended to recheck after 20 days. If you disagree with the terminal information displayed, you can choose not to accept it and notify AADE.
Some of your terminal codes might be deactivated. Please call the epay support center at 210 38 98 954.
POS - ERP Intergration
Αν διαθέτετε ERP και είστε συνδεδεμένος στο myData μέσω παρόχου ηλεκτρονικής τιμολόγησης, τότε βάσει των αποφάσεων Α.1155/2023 και Α.1035/2024, υποχρεούστε σε διασύνδεση ERP/POS σύμφωνα με τα παρακάτω:
• Μέχρι 31/10/2024 εφόσον έχετε διασύνδεση του ERP με το epay POS μέσω DLL ή Cloud ECR
• Μέχρι 30/9/2024 εφόσον δεν έχετε διασυνδεδεμένο το ERP με το epay POS
Αν διαθέτετε ERP και είστε συνδεδεμένος στο myData μέσω φορολογικού μηχανισμού ΑΔΗΜΕ ή ΕΑΦΔΣΣ, τότε βάσει των αποφάσεων Α.1155/2023 και Α.1074/2024 παρέχεται η επιλογή διασύνδεσης ERP/POS ή ΑΔΗΜΕ-ΦΗΜΑΣ/POS σύμφωνα με τα παρακάτω:
• Μέχρι 31/10/2024 εφόσον έχετε διασύνδεση του ERP με το epay POS μέσω DLL ή Cloud ECR
• Μέχρι 30/9/2024 εφόσον δεν έχετε διασυνδεδεμένο το ERP με το epay POS
Για την ισχύ της παράτασης μέχρι 31/10/2024, η epay έχει δηλώσει τα source TIDs των τερματικών σας με σήμανση ‘2’ ως «διασυνδεδεμένη λειτουργία εκτός Α.1098/2022 & Α.1155/2023» αντί για ‘0’ ως «μη αναβαθμισμένα» που φαίνονταν μέχρι τώρα στο μητρώο της ΑΑΔΕ. Αυτό μπορείτε να το επιβεβαιώσετε ως επιχείρηση μετά από τον σχετικό έλεγχο στο profile σας στο myAADE.
Η συμμόρφωση με την Α.1155/2023 από πλευράς ERP προϋποθέτει τη συμπληρωματική διασύνδεση του ERP σας, με τον πάροχο ηλεκτρονικής τιμολόγησης ή τον φορολογικό μηχανισμό σας για τη λήψη του provider’s signature ή token αντίστοιχα
Για την περίπτωση πληρωμής με κάρτα κατά την παράδοση (κι όχι στο ταμείο) απαιτείται υλοποίηση από πλευράς ERP για τις προ-φορτωμένες συναλλαγές.
Μόλις ολοκληρωθεί η αναβάθμιση των τερματικών σας στην παραγωγή με το νέο μας λογισμικό η σήμανση τους θα γίνει ‘1300’ ως «αναβαθμισμένα να υποστηρίζουν Α.1098/2022 & Α.1155/2023»
Για τις ημερομηνίες υποχρεωτικής αντικατάστασης ΕΑΦΔΣΣ επικοινωνήστε με το λογιστή σας ή την ΑΑΔΕ”
Για την περίπτωση πληρωμής με κάρτα κατά την παράδοση (κι όχι στο ταμείο) απαιτείται υλοποίηση από πλευράς ERP για τις προ-φορτωμένες συναλλαγές. Μόλις ολοκληρωθεί η αναβάθμιση των τερματικών σας στην παραγωγή με το νέο μας λογισμικό η σήμανση τους θα γίνει ‘1300’ ως «αναβαθμισμένα να υποστηρίζουν Α.1098/2022 & Α.1155/2023» Για τις ημερομηνίες υποχρεωτικής αντικατάστασης ΕΑΦΔΣΣ επικοινωνήστε με το λογιστή σας ή την ΑΑΔΕ”POS - Cash Register Intergration
All epay card acceptance terminals (EFT/POS) are fully compliant with the requirements of the tax administration according to decision A.1098/2022 by the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE).
- 1. Close the package on your POS terminal.
- 2. Proceed with refreshing the application version according to the instructions for each type of terminal.
- 3. Follow the detailed upgrade instructions for each type of POS, which are posted on the AADE website.